Thursday, March 1, 2007

Free to be me!

I am ...well let's just say I'm getting older. To give you a ballpark figure...I am a Baby Boomer, which is actually pretty cool. Baby Boomers have seen a lot and have done alot. So it's okay with me to be a member of that generation!
I call us the Boomerang-ers cause we are coming in for our second "time around" so to speak. We garner the attention of the world's markets, partly because there are so many of us which when multiplied by the fact that we are at or near our earning potential makes us a considerable force in the economy.
So, that said, I am one of them and am still going strong. To some extent I think I am just now coming into my own. Maybe I am just discovering another version of me.
Hard to believe, but until now my life has been defined by my role as a spouse and parent. Married to my husband of 34 years I am the mother of 5. As such I became what my family needed me to be...a wife and mother. With the exception of the youngest who is still in college all of our children are college educated and on their own.
So, now I am free to pursue a suppressed identity. I am learning that I have talents and abilities that I was unaware of. I am exploring and developing in areas of writing, gardening, decorating, grandmothering, and unbelievably video production. I have learned that I have time to show others that I care about them and can give of my time in a number of volunteer ways.
So, that is a little bit about me. Even though I am still growing and changing as an individual, I am still a mom and wife and consider those to be my primary roles. Oh, but it is so much fun being free to discover more about who I am!