Sunday, November 8, 2009

Was That You Talking God?

For the past few weeks we have had a visitor in our adult Sunday School class. She has been coming with her sister and brother in law.
During her first visit she indicated that she was going through a difficult time right now, but she gave no details. As usual I didn't give it much thought, didn't take time to speak to her.
But she has continued to come. She participates in class answering questions brought up for group discussion.
Still it has been a number of weeks and until today I had not taken the time to introduce myself. I wonder how she felt about that? Did anyone else take the time to talk to her? Honestly I didn't notice anyone doing that.
Today, however, she contributed an answer to a question which in my mind showed me how much she is searching and how much she is leaning on God and the Church...the body of believers who are supposed to:
Love one another (John 13:34)
Serve one another (Galatians 5:13)
Submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21)
Carry one another's burdens (Galatians 6:2)
Rejoice with one another (Romans 12:15)...and a whole lot of other "one anothers".

And then she asked a question. Not a question that the teacher would have studied in preparation for the lesson. Nonetheless it needed to be answered. The teacher responded with a general thought. I added some direction and one other person chimed in with some valuable input. So it was...sort of answered...and we went on.
Did anyone realize that she was really asking for some concrete answers? Did they notice that she was honestly seeking direction?
We don't see that very often... honest seeking and transparency. It can easily be missed.

I thought to myself, we are treating her as though she is a mature Christian, as though she knows where to go in the scriptures to find this answer.
She was being overlooked and her need is not being met as well or as thoroughly as it needs to be.

Was that you God?
She needs some encouragement?
She needs someone to teach her?
She needs someone to show they care?
Me, Lord?
You are My voice, my hands, my arms, my feet while you live on the earth.

So after Sunday School dismissed I went and sat down beside her. We chatted for a while. I apologized for not remembering her name and introduced myself. I asked a few questions.
I know her name now and she knows mine. I know a little bit about her situation and some needs that she has. I can pray for her and feel comfortable with her.

I believe she left Sunday School with a smile today, feeling a little encouraged, maybe a little more hopeful.
I feel better too!
It wasn't hard.